I tought it´s time for part II now from my Copenhagen visit so here it comes! Day after blog´nhagen Emma Fexeus and I went around in Copenhagen on our own and picked out some more favorite spots in that beautiful city! The first interior store we visited was a store called stilleben, which is very scandinavian and form strong interior design store located central in Copenhagen, so proud to tell also that stilleben is the store in Copenhagen that sell´s my products.
Another great shop where we stopped by was Hay´s flagship store, everything in the shop was only Hay´s own products.
Graphic, Danish, and always playful!
Graphic, Danish, and always playful!
Store or a creativ working space that is really worth a visit is a tile store called Dahl studio. They makes and sell the most stunning
tiles and floor clinker that I have seen.
tiles and floor clinker that I have seen.
The two last images comes from a place you will see more photos later, in another context. All I can say right now is that it belongs
to one of Denmark's top stylists, and that it will be a big hit when it opens.